int PWMGaMin=48; //44 int PWMGaMax=215; //216 int PWMGaEcart; int PWMDrMin=48; int PWMDrMax=215; int PWMDrEcart; int PWMAvMin=48; int PWMAvMax=215;//193 int PWMAvEcart; int PWMArMin=48;//60 int PWMArMax=215; int PWMArEcart; // If you want to use PWM, you can use channel 5+6 on Rx directly. Then swap with other channels in PPM output // To use channel 9 as PPM channel 5, det SWAPCH5 to 9. Channel 5 will be on channel 9 in PPM stream #define SWAPCH5 8 // channel 9 mapped to channel 5 and the other way around #define SWAPCH6 9 // channel 10 mapped to channel 6 and t1222he other way around #define IBUS_MAXCHANNELS 14 // Failsafe values for the channels. FS-i6 does not support throttle failsafe < 1000, so we must fake it // Setup failsafe on the FS-i6 to have all 6 channels to to -100 or thereabout to allow us to reliable detect it. // This array must be minimum PPM_CHANS long // In the example, below, I set channel 3 to 950 (Throttle) and channel 5 to 2000 (flight mode). Then just // ensure RTH is on highest value on the flightmode switch, so even if FC does not see failsafe, it will enter RTH mode. // We do no swapping in this array, so it goes directly to PPM static uint16_t rcFailsafe[IBUS_MAXCHANNELS] = { 1500, 1500, 950, 1500, 2000, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 }; #define FAILSAFELIMIT 1020 // When all the 6 channels below this value assume failsafe #define IBUS_BUFFSIZE 32 // Max iBus packet size (2 byte header, 14 channels x 2 bytes, 2 byte checksum) static uint16_t rcValue[IBUS_MAXCHANNELS]; static uint16_t rcValueSafe[IBUS_MAXCHANNELS]; // read by interrupt handler. Data copied here in cli/sei block static boolean rxFrameDone; static boolean failsafe = 0; uint16_t dummy; static boolean rcReceived = 0 ; uint16_t oldGazValue = 50; //Pourcentage, 50 % = arret, 100% = AV, 0% = AR uint16_t oldDirectionValue = 50; //Pourcentage, de la droite vers la gauche; uint16_t oldGlobalModeRcValue = 0; uint16_t gazValue = 50; //Pourcentage, 50 % = arret, 100% = AV, 0% = AR uint16_t directionValue = 50; //Pourcentage, de la droite vers la gauche; uint16_t globalMode = 1; // Prototypes void setupRx(); void readRx(); void setupPwm(); void analyseRC(); void appliMotorSpeed(); void showInformations(); void setup() { setupRx(); setupPwm(); Serial.println("Init complete"); } void loop() { readRx(); if (rcReceived == 1) { analyseRC(); appliMotorSpeed(); showInformations(); rcReceived = 0; } } static uint8_t ibusIndex = 0; static uint8_t ibus[IBUS_BUFFSIZE] = {0}; void setupRx() { uint8_t i; Serial1.begin(115200); Serial.begin (115200); Serial.println ("coucou"); } void setupPwm() { pinMode(7, OUTPUT); pinMode(6, OUTPUT); pinMode(5, OUTPUT); pinMode(4, OUTPUT); PWMGaEcart = PWMGaMax - PWMGaMin; PWMDrEcart = PWMDrMax - PWMDrMin; PWMAvEcart = PWMAvMax - PWMAvMin; PWMArEcart = PWMArMax - PWMArMin; TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111000 | 0b001; } void readRx() { uint8_t i; uint16_t chksum, rxsum; rxFrameDone = false; uint8_t avail = Serial1.available(); if (avail) { //digitalWrite(4, LOW); uint8_t val =; // Look for 0x2040 as start of packet if (ibusIndex == 0 && val != 0x20) { return; } if (ibusIndex == 1 && val != 0x40) { ibusIndex = 0; return; } if (ibusIndex < IBUS_BUFFSIZE) ibus[ibusIndex] = val; ibusIndex++; if (ibusIndex == IBUS_BUFFSIZE) { ibusIndex = 0; chksum = 0xFFFF; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) chksum -= ibus[i]; rxsum = ibus[30] + (ibus[31] << 8); if (chksum == rxsum) { //Unrolled loop for 10 channels - no need to copy more than needed. // MODIFY IF MORE CHANNELS NEEDED rcValue[0] = (ibus[ 3] << 8) + ibus[ 2]; rcValue[1] = (ibus[ 5] << 8) + ibus[ 4]; rcValue[2] = (ibus[ 7] << 8) + ibus[ 6]; rcValue[3] = (ibus[ 9] << 8) + ibus[ 8]; rcValue[4] = (ibus[11] << 8) + ibus[10]; rcValue[5] = (ibus[13] << 8) + ibus[12]; rcValue[6] = (ibus[15] << 8) + ibus[14]; rcValue[7] = (ibus[17] << 8) + ibus[16]; rcValue[8] = (ibus[19] << 8) + ibus[18]; rcValue[9] = (ibus[21] << 8) + ibus[20]; rxFrameDone = true; if (rcValue[0] < FAILSAFELIMIT && rcValue[1] < FAILSAFELIMIT && rcValue[2] < FAILSAFELIMIT && rcValue[3] < FAILSAFELIMIT && rcValue[4] < FAILSAFELIMIT && rcValue[5] < FAILSAFELIMIT ) { failsafe = 1; cli(); // disable interrupts memcpy(rcValueSafe, rcFailsafe, IBUS_MAXCHANNELS * sizeof(uint16_t)); sei(); //digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Error - turn on error LED Serial.println("ERREUR"); } else { // Now we need to disable interrupts to copy 16-bit values atomicly // Only copy needed signals (10 channels default) // MODIFY IF MORE CHANNELS NEEDED cli(); // disable interrupts. rcValueSafe[0] = rcValue[0]; rcValueSafe[1] = rcValue[1]; rcValueSafe[2] = rcValue[2]; rcValueSafe[3] = rcValue[3]; rcValueSafe[4] = rcValue[SWAPCH5-1]; rcValueSafe[5] = rcValue[SWAPCH6-1]; rcValueSafe[6] = rcValue[6]; rcValueSafe[7] = rcValue[7]; rcValueSafe[8] = rcValue[8]; rcValueSafe[9] = rcValue[9]; #if (SWAPCH5 != 5) rcValueSafe[SWAPCH5-1] = rcValue[4]; #endif #if (SWAPCH6 != 6) rcValueSafe[SWAPCH6-1] = rcValue[5]; #endif sei(); //digitalWrite(13, LOW); // OK packet - Clear error LED rcReceived = 1; //analyseRC(); //showInformations(); /* for (int index = 0; index < IBUS_MAXCHANNELS; index++) { Serial.print(rcValueSafe[index]); Serial.print(" - "); } Serial.println(";"); */ } } else { //digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Checksum error - turn on error LED } return; } } } void analyseRC() { gazValue = (rcValueSafe[1]-1000)/10; directionValue = (rcValueSafe[0]-1000)/10; if (oldGlobalModeRcValue != rcValueSafe[8]) { switch (rcValueSafe[8]) { case 1000 : globalMode = 1;break; case 1500 : globalMode = 2;break; case 2000 : globalMode = 3;break; } oldGlobalModeRcValue = rcValueSafe[8]; } } void appliMotorSpeed() { if (oldGazValue != gazValue || oldDirectionValue != directionValue) { int PWMAvant = (gazValue * PWMAvEcart / 100) + PWMAvMin; int PWMAvantCompl = ((100-gazValue) * PWMArEcart / 100) + PWMArMin; int PWMDG = (directionValue * PWMDrEcart / 100) + PWMDrMin; int PWMDGCompl = ((100-directionValue) * PWMGaEcart / 100) + PWMGaMin; analogWrite(5, PWMAvant); analogWrite(4, PWMAvantCompl); analogWrite(6, PWMDG); analogWrite(7, PWMDGCompl); oldGazValue = gazValue; oldDirectionValue = directionValue; } } void showInformations () { //Affichage des infos reçues de la télécommande for (int index = 0; index < IBUS_MAXCHANNELS; index++) { Serial.print(rcValueSafe[index]); Serial.print(" - "); } //Affichage de l'interpretation des ordres qui me concerne Serial.print(gazValue); Serial.print("% - "); Serial.print(directionValue); Serial.print("% Mode : "); Serial.print(globalMode); //Fin de ligne Serial.println(";"); }